添加时间:此外,探索与完善促进数据共享的技术能力、激励机制和治理体系。我国需要进一步挖掘数据资源的价值,要推动散落在各个政府机关、企事业单位的数据实现共享。探索以“数字网关”、联邦学习(federated learning)等前沿技术为保障的数据共享技术能力建设,并研究完善数据共享激励机制等。
Figure 5: EUR and GBP Option Skewness is Typically Negative and Often Impacted by Politics.观察外汇期权的波动率偏斜程度有助于做出投资决策Do variations in skewness tell us anything about the future payoff of investing in currencies? Does extreme negative skewness send a buy or sell signal? What about extreme positive skewness? Does it mean that a currency is likely to head higher, or does it mean that its overbought and likely to fall?
业绩承诺期前2年,受新能源补贴政策利好、下游产业需求旺盛的影响,普莱德的经营状况稳步走强。但在2018年,普莱德经营状况一落千丈,经东方精工聘请的会计师审计,普莱德2018年度扣非净利润亏损了约 2.17 亿元。东方精工认为,普莱德2016 -2018 年累计实现扣非后净利润约为 3.77 亿元,并未到达对赌协议中承诺的 9.98 亿元。对于东方精工给出的财务数据,普莱德原股东并不认可,双方关于业绩承诺的分歧,逐步升级为争议、纠纷。但显然,作为业绩承诺方的5家原股东不会“乖乖就范”,支付高额的补偿款。
The Economics of Currency Options外汇期权的运行机理The yen (JPY) and franc (CHF) are the two lowest interest rate currencies where OTM calls tend to be more expensive than OTM puts. Both Japan and Switzerland are famous for good food, great skiing and exceptionally low – sometimes even negative -- interest rates. This means that the JPY and CHF are often used as funding currencies. Investors often borrow funds in JPY or CHF and lend them elsewhere in the world where interest rates are higher, hoping to pocket the interest rate differential (or “carry”). Doing so can be profitable so long as the value of the accumulated carry exceeds any relative appreciation in the value of these two currencies. However, as investors learned in the fall of 1998 and several times after, the downside can be enormous when there is a sudden liquidation of carry trades that sends the value of these funding currencies soaring. As such, OTM call options on JPY and CHF, which provide downside protection to anyone engaged in such a trade, tend to be more expensive than OTM puts.