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It is this spirit of openness that in the past allowed an English doctor to open the first private hospital in Hangzhou in 1903, allowed an Austrian and Canadian doctor to help in the revolution as field doctors with the revolutionary army, and to also be consultants to the ministry of health. It allowed doctor the American doctor Ma Haide to help in the elimination of leprosy in China.


责任编辑:张义凌华泰证券子公司AssetMark 拟境外上市,仅向H股股东配股遭否决10月23日,华泰证券发布股东大会公告称,关于AssetMark境外上市仅向公司H股股东提供保证配额的议案被否决,公司不会就本次分拆上市向公司任何股东提供保证配额。但此议案未获批准,并不影响公司分拆AssetMark境外上市方案的最终实施。


In my own field of healthcare, the changes are even more impressive. Life expectancy has more than doubled since the founding of the People‘s Republic of China. In the last forty years that I’ve been here, life expectancy has grown by eleven years. Infant and maternal mortality has decreased almost tenfold.

