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To answer these questions, we indexed the skewness on a scale of 0-100 over rolling two-year periods and compared it to the return of the currency versus USD in the subsequent three months (so there’s no look-ahead bias). For example, if the currency option skewness was the most skewed to the downside it had been during the previous two years, the index would have a reading of zero. If the currency option market was the most positively skewed that it had been during the past two years, the index would have a reading of 100. We then broke the results down into deciles and looked at the subsequent three- month performance of the reinvested currency future rolled 10 days prior to expiry from 2008 until early 2019.

Bottom Line总结Unlike equities or ag products, currency options don’t have a standard skewness.与股票或农产品的期权不同的是,外汇期权并没有展示出一致的波动率偏斜现象

